Monday, January 19, 2015

Birthday Trip to Biltmore

My birthday gets thrown to the wayside almost every year since it is on New Years but I have been telling Ben for years that he better plan something great for my 30th. All year I have been reminding him and he did a great job. I woke up on the 27th to him telling me to pack. He had my mom watch the kids while we drove to Asheville to go to Biltmore.

The first night we got dressed up for a nice dinner and went on the candelight tour. It was so weird to get back to our hotel at 9 and have nothing to do since we had no kids to get to bed.


As much as sleeping in would have been nice, we had to get back to Biltmore at 8:15 for a tour.

We went on a walk through the gardens and wanted to sit and rest. The bench was wet so Ben was so sweet and let me sit on his jacket.

Ben and I have always loved traveling together and I think that was good for our relationship. However having kids has thrown a kink in that. This reminded me how nice that was and how much fun we have together. Someday we will get back to traveling (yeah like a million years from now).

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