Thursday, January 5, 2012

Miller's 1st Christmas

So I have been absent for a few weeks. We were quite busy when we were in Knoxville so I never had a chance to post. Here is a little recap of Christmas.

The few days leading up until Christmas Eve, we spent visiting family. Here we are at my dads house the night of the 23rd. Miller has discovered his hands so they are always in his mouth.

For a couple of months, I have mentioned to Ben that I wanted to save up for a nice DSLR camera. I obviously love taking pictures of my kid and have always been wanting better quality and control. I started researching and have been prepping myself for when I could finally get one. So while we were in town, I played with my sisters a lot on the days leading up until Christmas. Here we are visiting with my grandparents at my dads house.

Someone was really tired!

After Mass on Christmas Eve at my Grandma and Grandpas.

Christmas morning- We did not actually open presents that morning but I had to get a picture of him (so yes this is staged).

We went to visit mom at work Christmas Day. After this was taken, he ate and then spit up all over himself. I was disappointed that he messed up his Christmas outfit so I went to dads and washed it.

We headed to my dads house where we ate, then opened up presents. We got a video camera from my parents, which I was in denial about needing but am so glad we have it. Miller got camo overalls and a onesie for when he goes fishing with my dad (at that will be the only place he wears it) and a Smokey pillow pet which I have been dying to get for him.

Our family sugar cookies. They are fat because for some odd reason they spread while they baked ( I am kind of bitter about this because I know how to bake them correctly and did everything like I always do).

We setup a little shoot of Miller. I had to wait to do it in Knoxville to use my sisters camera.

He now loves sleeping in this blanket from Ikea. We think he feels like he is being cuddled without burning up.

Yes, he thinks he is cool with that hairstyle.

December 26th, we did Christmas morning with mom, and Ally. We all have matching pjs (except Ally because she grew out of hers).

Miller got some more argyle socks, an interactive stuffed puppy, some other clothes, some puzzles, books, stuffed Wizard of Oz characters, and a new sleepsack. I tried to get all his presents in the picture but some are missing.

Ben got a new cordless drill, and a sweater. And what did I get? A NEW CAMERA!!! Ben surprised me and him and mom got me the camera I wanted, a bag, and a lens. I am so in love with it! Everyone was laughing at me all Christmas day playing with my sisters when they knew I was getting my own. You will see a definite improvement in the quality of my pictures now (and probably a lot more since I love playing with it).

I am going to post about the other things we did over the holidays soon (mom's birthday, seeing family, New Years Eve, my birthday).

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