How far along: 25 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +7lbs
Maternity clothes: I got my shirt for Halloween in
and made my shirt for Disney World. I feel guilty that these things may only
get worn once or twice but they are so cute.
Stretch marks: Same old ones. I think those have
been with me longer than Ben.
Sleep: I have had some strange dreams
that are really stressful but besides that I sleep fine. I am pretty sure that
I could use some more though.
Best moment this week: Nothing exciting happened this
She was lazy on Tuesday morning and
freaked me out. Of course she has since made up for it. It amazes me what
little noises she hears inside there but Ben reminded me that if it is near my
belly, it is probably amplified by all the fluids in there.
Food cravings: No real cravings. I really would
like some variety but I fear making something and me not liking it. We are
going back to TN and I look forward to maybe going out to eat once or twice.
Food aversions: I have had a pretty
decent week with food. Of course we have pretty much had the same thing every day.
Gender: Baby girl.
Labor Signs: Nothing here. I still want to wait
on these for another 13 weeks at least.
Belly Button in or out? It is almost like it is closing shut but still in.
What I miss: I miss not groaning to do
anything. I waddle and creak along everywhere. We went on a leisurely family
stroll in the neighborhood and Ben kept having to stop and let me catch up.
What I am looking forward to: Still looking forward to passing
the GD test in less than two weeks (not that I am necessarily looking forward
to taking it). Also, since doing all of these projects and crafts for
her, I am getting excited to see her in them.
Weekly Wisdom: I finally started trying to heed
everyone’s advice about relaxing more. I am still doing projects and keep
plenty busy keeping up with the house and Miller, but I am trying to take
relaxing moments when I can get them. Mostly, when Miller is asleep at night or
for naptime but even during playtime I try to just sit with him.
Milestones: She is definitely reacting to
more outside noises. They say that the baby will hear and get used to certain
noises that I am around regularly. Well I think she is getting used to her
brother. She hears him whine and cry and starts wiggling around. Hopefully that
just means that she will be used to when she is born and they will not disturb
How far along: 26 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +7lbs again
Maternity clothes: Since I stay at home with Miller,
a lot of my summer maternity clothes did not get as much wear as they did the
last time. There are a few pieces that
makes me sad for.
Stretch marks: I got a little sun last week so
the ones I did have are pretty unnoticeable.
Sleep: Miller woke up early while we were
in Knoxville but I slept fine when I could. I realize that I only wake up to
roll over since it is so hard now.
Best moment this week: We had a nice visit to TN this
past weekend. I was able to finish up a few things for the baby and got some
Christmas presents made.
I swear she is figuring out our
routine. Every night after Miller goes to bed, we get dessert and milk and sit
down to watch TV. About an hour later she starts wiggling around. I like to
believe that she is asking for her music time which I do with headphones on my
belly every night before I go to sleep. I seem to remember Miller doing the
same thing. I am hoping that bodes well for her nighttime habits like I think
it did with Miller.
Food cravings: Nothing special. The start of
pumpkin everything season is upon us and I am quite excited to delve in.
Food aversions: The heartburn has
started up this week. I joked that I guess she is growing her hair. It is not
terrible and I swear it started much earlier with Miller so I cannot complain
too much.
Gender: Our lovely little lady
Labor Signs: Gosh no! I have a doctor’s appointment on Monday
where they check and I hope that nothing
is going on. Especially since we have Disney coming up soon. I am trying to
balance taking it easy, and walking around to get my body ready for the trip.
Belly Button in or out? Still back there.
What I miss: As much as I love being pregnant
and will miss it, I am looking forward to getting my body back. I miss not
worrying that something I am doing might hurt the baby. I miss wearing my old
clothes. I miss moving around normally. However, I am going to soak up the next
3 months of having a baby bump. It does have some perks.
What I am looking forward to: I am looking forward to getting
the nursery finished up. I know it is early but with Disney and the holidays
taking over my 3rd trimester, I would like to have this done.
Weekly Wisdom: I always feel guilty when we are
doing stuff and I have to sit down and let Ben take over. Tonight he told me
that he knows that I have to go at a different pace. I guess that is true but I
have a hard time realizing it.
Milestones: Every week down, is another week
closer to meeting our baby girl (so no, I have no milestone this week).
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