Monday, September 23, 2013

Weekly Update: 27 and 28 weeks

I just decided to post two weeks worth of pregnancy updates at a time. We all know the drill, I have been through this before, so if you are one of those few people out there that actually reads those, look for them every other week.

27 Weeks

I had my gestational diabetes glucose test this week. I did not have it with Miller and I knew that meant that most likely I would not have it this time, but I was just so anxious to get it over with. The doctor told me that they would have the results the next day, so I was permanently attached to my phone the next day, and the next, and the next. They finally called 3 days later and told me I passed. Whew!

How far along: 27 weeks (3 Months to due date)
Total weight gain/loss: +9lbs
Maternity clothes: I just bought a few pieces for the winter. I am stopping at that. 
Stretch marks: Same old ones
Sleep: It is such a process to roll over in bed. The other night as I was rolling over, I got a major cramp in my hip and it scared the crap out of me. I waited until I felt the baby move until I fell back asleep. Besides that, we are really needing to adjust our sleep schedule. It is crazy out of control for all 3 of us.
Best moment this week: Passing my glucose test was quite nice to have done with. That and getting stuff ready for the baby get here. She has a bunch of clothes washed and in her drawers and closet already.
Movement: I had an OB appointment and as soon as my doctor  went to listen to her heartbeat, she kicked. My doctor jumped back and was like, “Did you feel that because I saw that”. She kicked the Doppler once or twice but then we heard her happy little heartbeat. Just like her brother.
Food cravings: I wish I had cravings sometimes but I have nothing.
Food aversions:  I had a scare this week. I was cooking a cowboy stew in the crockpot and after getting everything in there, the aroma of tomatoes and onions became very prominent. It was the same smell of something that we had my 1st trimester that I could not stand. The flavors ended up mellowing and it was really good.
Gender: Baby girl
Labor Signs: My doctor warned me about feeling contractions soon since this is my second baby. Sometimes I am not sure if I am having them or my belly is just tired. I am leaning toward tired belly but she just told me to rest when I feel them. Besides that, I am not dilated at all so that is good to know. 
Belly Button in or out? Nothing new  
What I miss: I realized this week that I am never comfortable. Not walking, or laying down, or sitting, or standing. I really like being pregnant but sometimes I am so tired of never being comfortable. I also wish that I could work out. I feel so out of control of my body and whenever I try to work out (so that my whole body does not get flubby), I end up being too tired or sore to do anything.  
What I am looking forward to: The nursery is almost done and I am so excited to have it complete. Miller is thoroughly testing out the new crib for his baby sister.
Weekly Wisdom: While we were getting the nursery together, it occurred to me that maybe another good reason to having it done early is so that Miller gets used to it. Kind of like preparing a pet for their space to be invaded, it is just with our first kid. Hopefully that is just easing him into the idea of his baby sister.
Milestones: I had my glucose test this week (which I passed)  and when I was making my next OB appointment, we went ahead and made the next two after that, which are only two weeks apart. On the one hand, this pregnancy has dragged but on the other, it is surreal to see the point where my appointments are two weeks apart and making them into November. 

28 Weeks

How far along: 28 weeks (THIRD TRIMESTER!!!)

Total weight gain/loss: +11lbs
Maternity clothes: I am in a rush trying to wear a few summery things before the seasons officially change.
Stretch marks: My massive belly makes them look huge but they are still my same old ones.  
Sleep: I sleep fine but the issue is the sleep schedule. Miller started fighting me on naps and taking forever to go down at night so I have to start getting up earlier with him. It helps us be more productive but I am crashing by the afternoon.  I have fallen asleep twice  this week after I have gotten Miller up from his nap.
Best moment this week: It has been a rough week in toddlerhood so this is a tough one.  We did get a new car this week, a mini-van, and I am so excited to have all that space.
Movement: I still cannot get over how different her movement feels than Miller’s. I keep thinking I will recognize it from last time but it just is not going to be the same. I could feel definite kicks or punches with Miller. With baby girl, it is more just lots of pressure from her doing those things. The pressure is more uncomfortable because it involves more internal organs. I swear she has tap dancing sessions in there where my whole mid section is vibrating. It is so weird!!!
Food cravings: Fall is upon us, so pumpkin anything and everything. I have no “pregnancy cravings” but just normal, something sounds good moments. Lately, we have been into Dunkin Doughnuts iced coffee. I want it anytime I leave the house.   
Food aversions:  Nothing this week.  
Gender: Based on my crazy hormones, I am going to say definitely a girl.
Labor Signs: I might have had a few Braxton Hicks contractions this week but that is normal.
Belly Button in or out? There is really no point in updating this. It is not going to pop out……..ever.   
What I miss: I miss not having all of these crazy hormones!! They give me a short fuse and weepy all the time.
What I am looking forward to: We have Disney World in a few short weeks and I am super excited for the trip. While yes, I am nervous about Miller’s behavior and my stamina, I am still excited for our family vacation.  
Weekly Wisdom: After this rough week with Miller, I am super worried about having two kids to handle soon. My mom assures me that it will all work out. The baby will tag along with us and Miller will mold into being an older brother. Everyone will get it together. I sure hope so!!!!!!
Milestones: Third Trimester is scary. It is so nice to be at this point and know how developed the baby is (not that I want her coming any earlier than 38 weeks). It just scares me how soon we will have to be dealing with all the newborn stuff again. I am having a major problem getting excited about her being born because I am so worried about all the after stuff.

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